Monday, 26 October 2020

Creating your own Virtual Service Accounts

Following on from the previous blog post, if you can't map arbitrary SIDs to names to make displaying capabilities nicer what is the purpose of LsaManageSidNameMapping? The primary purpose is to facilitate the creation of Virtual Service Accounts

A virtual service account allows you to create an access token where the user SID is a service SID, for example, NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller. A virtual service account doesn't need to have a password configured which makes them ideal for restricting services rather than having to deal with the default service accounts and using WSH to lock them down or specifying a domain user with password.

To create an access token for a virtual service account you can use LogonUserExEx and specify the undocumented (AFAIK) LOGON32_PROVIDER_VIRTUAL logon provider. You must have SeTcbPrivilege to create the token, and the SID of the account must have its first RID in the range 80 to 111 inclusive. Recall from the previous blog post this is exactly the same range that is covered by LsaManageSidNameMapping.

The LogonUserExEx API only takes strings for the domain and username, you can't specify a SID. Using the LsaManageSidNameMapping function allows you to map a username and domain to a virtual service account SID. LSASS prevents you from using RID 80 (NT SERVICE) and 87 (NT TASK) outside of the SCM or the task scheduler service (see this snippet of reversed LSASS code for how it checks). However everything else in the RID range is fair game.

So let's create out own virtual service account. First you need to add your domain and username using the tool from the previous blog post. All these commands need to be run as a user with SeTcbPrivilege.

SetSidMapping.exe S-1-5-100="AWESOME DOMAIN" 
SetSidMapping.exe S-1-5-100-1="AWESOME DOMAIN\USER"

So we now have the AWESOME DOMAIN\USER account with the SID S-1-5-100-1. Now before we can login the account you need to grant it a logon right. This is normally SeServiceLogonRight if you wanted a service account, but you can specify any logon right you like, even SeInteractiveLogonRight (sadly I don't believe you can actually login with your virtual account, at least easily).

If you get the latest version of NtObjectManager (from github at the time of writing) you can use the Add-NtAccountRight command to add the logon type.

PS> Add-NtAccountRight -Sid 'S-1-5-100-1' -LogonType SeInteractiveLogonRight

Once granted a logon right you can use the Get-NtToken command to logon the account and return a token.

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Logon -LogonType Interactive -User USER -Domain 'AWESOME DOMAIN' -LogonProvider Virtual
PS> Format-NtToken $token

As you can see we've authenticated the virtual account and got back a token. As we chose to logon as an interactive type the token will also have the INTERACTIVE group assigned. Anyway that's all for now. I guess as there's only a limited number of RIDs available (which is an artificial restriction) MS don't want document these features even though it could be a useful thing for normal developers.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Using LsaManageSidNameMapping to add a name to a SID.

I was digging into exactly how service SIDs are mapped back to a name when I came across the API LsaLookupManageSidNameMapping. Unsurprisingly this API is not officially documented either on MSDN or in the Windows SDK. However, LsaManageSidNameMapping is documented (mostly). Turns out that after a little digging they lead to the same RPC function in LSASS, just through different names:

LsaLookupManageSidNameMapping -> lsass!LsaLookuprManageCache


LsaManageSidNameMapping -> lsasrv!LsarManageSidNameMapping

They ultimately both end up in lsasrv!LsarManageSidNameMapping. I've no idea why there's two of them and why one is documented but the other not. *shrug*. Of course even though there's an MSDN entry for the function it doesn't seem to actually be documented in the Ntsecapi.h include file *double shrug*. Best documentation I found was this header file.

This got me wondering if I could map all the AppContainer named capabilities via LSASS so that normal applications would resolve them rather than having to do it myself. This would be easier than modifying the SAM or similar tricks. Sadly while you can add some SID to name mappings this API won't let you do that for capability SIDs as there are the following calling restrictions:

  1. The caller needs SeTcbPrivilege (this is a given with an LSA API).
  2. The SID to map must be in the NT security authority (5) and the domain's first RID must be between 80 and 111 inclusive.
  3. You must register a domain SID's name first to use the SID which includes it.
Basically 2 stops us adding a sub-domain SID for a capability as they use the package security authority (15) and we can't just go straight to added the SID to name as we need to have registered the domain with the API, it's not enough that the domain exists. Maybe there's some other easy way to do it, but this isn't it.

Instead I've just put together a .NET tool to add or remove your own SID to name mappings. It's up on github. The mappings are ephemeral so if you break something rebooting should fix it :-)